How many of the following "boxes" can you tick?
- You enjoy your photography
- You shoot lots of photos
- After inspecting the photos you’ve shot during the day, they remain hidden away on your computer
- The number of digital "shoe boxes" under your "digital bed" is becoming a problem
If you ticked all four then you’re just like me. That’s a frightening thought, isn’t it? 😯
Except… Except, I finally decided to do something about it. Actually, I’ve made two or three attempts to do something about it before now, but they pretty much came to nothing, so I’ll brush them under the carpet.
Anyway, my big plan is to use this site to act as a digital scrap book of sorts. As I go off on day trips or holidays and shoot photos (or videos for that matter), I’ll post some notes about the trip and a selection of photos and/or videos. I will also go back through the shoe boxes – oops! – I mean my collection of hundreds and hundreds of existing digital photos. If/when I can find any decent ones, I’ll write them up and post them as well.
I hope that you enjoy the photographs and my insights into them. Please feel free to comment on anything that catches your interest or to ask any relevant questions.
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